I was reading someone´s opinion.
And a man said: "Time is now!".
After starring a while at these words
I finally decide to post something
that suddenly entered my thoughts;
There used to be no time.
The term `time` is made up by one of our own.
Someone who created a whole new world order
just because of that one word.
Time has become such a big thing for the humanity.
But how can we believe and hold on
to something that isn't real?
There is no time. Time doesn't exist,
Time can't make 'his'own decision;'good or bad'.
Time doesn't control itself, It doesn't have his own mind,
It doesn't have a heart or a beat, It can't see or hear,
There is no life in time,
no soul, Time even has no lungs for breath(e).
But still it is there, but still it is here.
Time isn't rubbish nore pure, Maybe time never was before.
First think before you speak.
And don't trow yourself into 'things'
you don't know anything about.