When my life had a time machine
I knew where to go
To the deepest wishes in my heart
To heal my loneliness
No one can understand right now
Where my understanding stopped
I would go back in years
To keep you
To hold you again
To tell you all the stories
From deep in my heart and head
Wich no one can feel
There’s only me now
Nothing can heal me
I paid a lot in worries and sorrow
And all whats left… is me
I remember all the pain
Of growing any way I can
The growth of beiing a good wife
And so importend.. to be a mam.
And ik have been growing
Mostly the hard way
I have lost so many people
And what comes around goes around
But it’s time
My heart has a hole
But it doesnt say it’s locked forever
New things in time wil make me another new person
So do I wanno go back?
Or do I wanna step forward in time…
You know it… and I know it too.
I want to leave my heartbroken body and soul
To make a new life for my self
And the ones who will love me back, in it.
There is no time machine wich fixes
All what happend to me…
But I wanna be… only ME.
In time…