You hurt me
I hurt you
The pretender always strikes 2
always strikes 2
Make up your discuize
Hide behind your own lies
Lies seal your fate
You descend at maxmum rate
There is always one more mask
Pretend is my primar task
I pretend to be you
I will never shine trough
My face is just a cover
My life is no-leaf-clover
My raod keeps getting ruther
And all I hear is laugher
Find out you are wrong
Find out They're too strong
Mirror them in you
You are not treu
Find out who you really are
You are just a pretender
I see your face
I hear your voice
I have to pretend
I have no choice
I do not want you to know me as I really am
I want you to know me as you like
Pretend, don't rebell
You'll life but in hell
But that's how life is
Life is meaningless
Dit is een Muziek nummer dat ik zelf heb geschreven. Als je het hele nummer wilt horen, Vragen via E-mail.
Dit nummer genaamt pretender heb ik samen met melissa sadowski gemaakt.
Check haar gedichten ook een keer uit!