Inspired by Bruce Springsteen
Sometimes you feel a fuck up,
Sometimes you get struck,
By the feeling of being stuck.
Every time you beat it up,
Everytime you meet your fate,
O ho isn't it great?
You just can't escape,
No way you get away,
From the One you are.
Yeah live up,
Yeah make it so,
O come do it now!
You're the One,
Who's meant to be,
No other then the One!
Yeah it's up to you,
To feel the heart beat,
Of us all!
Should you not heath the call,
O man you got Some balls,
O woman get it now!
Heart of humanity,
Beating you're sorry ass,
Come on you're no piece of trash!
You're no piece of trash,
No you're really not.
Get it now?
Come on live it now,
Come on heath the call,
Get it now!
Green light for us all,
Work to be done,
Get it done!
Be proud of who you are,
Make mistakes,
And apologise!
Come on,
Beat the crap,
Feel the beating heart,
Of us all!