4 years ago this day 8 october I celebrated my 28th birthday. Everything finally was going well for me, found my first job at NWO, doing well for second Master at university, had great friends and family who I loved dearly. But what it also ment was working really hard to do and fix it all being the perfect employee, student, caregiver, friend and daugther. I tried to be that brave and strong since the age of 15, the age were I became a care-giver for my parents. I was diagnosted with CIDP since the age of 8 years old. I never told anyone about the daily fatigue and pain. I thought that was normal and when I became a care-giver there were things more important then me. So everyday I tried to stay strong and do it all despite all the pain, challenges and obstacles. I completed grammar school and university with good grades, did an internship and found my first real job. So far, so good. But my luck changed. December 2012 I broke down physically and mentally, all these years of trying to be Supergirl was taken its toll on me. I was physically paralised and mentally severely depressed. CIDP was back, severe nerve damage so back on gammaglobulines. 2013 was a tough year for me, I lost my job at NWO, I could not finish my second Master, I had to file papers for disability benefits, Some people (friends, first love) left me, I took that every hard, and for few years I was very lonely, I cried a lot and I felt I was a all time Looser because I lost everything I worked so hard for. for my little group of family and some friends who sticked with me trough all the bad, sad, and awfull things, I can say I'm much more today then I was yesterday. Yes, I've been hurt, broken badly, but I still stand tall. I cherish the little things like family, friendship and writing. Yes a big (legal) career just to be my big goal, but it just facade of the glamour not real life and I want a life worth living. Life has thaught me that. So I'm proud to celebrate my 32th birthday, physically not always great, but happy with life and myself.
Thank you all for your friendship true friends# livesavers
Liefs Schildpad