Here I am,
In front off you.
Here I stand.
All my secrets lay on the table.
Everything I want to tell
Is told.
You will never see.
You will never understand.
I could tell it, all at once,
And still, while you’re listening,
You will not understand.
Or when you read it, on a screen.
All these secrets and lies- You have never seen.
Still, It’s just as secret as when,
I would have hidden it all the time.
You are pre-occupied.
I will never be able to speak my mind.
Simply, because what I once was,
Or pretended to have been
Doesn’t secure your truth.
I don’t like to open up, all at once.
But, before I can speak,
Your interest for me is gone.
I could talk and write for years,
But simply in one week,
all the damage for me is done
And then you ask,
pre-occupied, laughing in advance,
‘Dear Little girl, Who are you?’
I could sigh, re-capture my guts,
Trying to re-tell you-
But you’re already sure I’m nuts.
I feel like
A kick in the balls
Is what you deserve then.
But preferably,
You should do a little re-read,
Hopefully you will understand.