Wish every dream I had
Didn't crash down on my ambitions
Wish every scumbag
Gets treated equally like shit
And every talentless hack
Gets ten thousand steps back
Or dumb people getting famous by fads
Making money stacks upon stacks
Why is it masked angels fly into heaven
When they should be struck down to descend
And stay on earth and stop to pretend
That we all like to play the devil by it's hand
Why do we let entertainment to be so simple 24/7
When we could have it a bit more deserving
To make entertainment be nimble and not dull
I feel so lifeless when watching it all repeat itself being killed
So let's shine these days on stars who deserve it
But who says who deserves this?
Maybe the people should or let hollywood
Still repeat the dumb ways of killing itself and love
Cause why should I be the judge of it all
And who says I even deserve that gift of call
I am nothing, just a guy, talking to a wall
With hopes of a better world, instead of ending it all.
So kill your idols
Kill your dreams
Kill your schemes
And kill your souls.