I know I’m a fuckup at best of times,
I know I try but usually fail with the brightest sighs,
But I know I’m doing something right,
Something will come along the way, one night
Fuck believing everything’s going wrong
A lot of people hold you down, thinking their right
So you stop without putting up a fight
Give up your flight
So I know I’m a fuckup,
With the worse kind of judgement
But shit man, when something’s coming down my way
It’s coming down hard and it pours,
I’ll say fuck it again and look up my scores
So you can all say I’m a bird with broken wings
And I’ll see you when I’ve risen sky high,
Begging me to tag along, with this mountainous flight,
I’m doing well
I’m not insane,
I’ve got to much love,
All going down the drain,
But I’ve changed,
For better or worse,
I’ll see you at the ends my friends,
With a kiss and a smile,
Hoping you do worse.