“ Mistaken thoughts” 10-6-04
I thought you were perfect
I thought you were strong
I thought you wanted to be with me
I guess I thought wrong
Why do you draw back
Why are you afraid?
Why do you avoid me
Why are you in this state?
Why making promises
That you can’t keep true?
Why saying words
That you didn’t mean to?
Questions in my mind
Why can’t this love be real?
Aching in my heart
That you’ve managed to steal
I’d give you everything
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do
Yet you keep pushing me away
So why can’t I stop loving you?
*~~ black Sun ~~*
gwenje: | Woensdag, juni 30, 2004 22:37 |
mss is die persoon gewoon te verlegen, ik zou zeggen, geef die niet op, want wie weet wat kan gebeuren ;)... dikke knufs |
Auteur: black sun | ||
Gecontroleerd door: maneschijn | ||
Gepubliceerd op: 29 juni 2004 | ||
Thema's: |