I wanna tell you a lots of things
cause I can handle it alone
and asking you from helpping me
but if it comes up to it
I decide to not to speak at all
I lie to you
now I got to shame myself
but I don't
now your feeling a little bit disappointed in me
I understand that
but what can I do about it?
I cry
because I hate myself
but if I tell that to you
you will never understand why
I smile :) sow you think the girl is fine
but the smile is only to pretend I'm not happy
If I do that I know it's wrong but if I tell you why
you never understand why
Sow I'm hyding myself
I wanna scream you're name
cause I love you and miss you
but you broke promisses so now I hate you
I whant it so bad
I really wish that I could tell you about those problemens
but I can't
because if it comes up to it
I decide to not to speak at all