The warrior I am.
Ever returning danger,
now I am an incarnation.
Seeking for honour and adventure,
on this new journey of my life.
Trying to get up.
Walking not crawling.
Hating myself.
Knowing I WILL and HAVE carried on.
Look at my flesh,
there's no lie on my body.
Unspoiled and fresh.
Can't let it go,
oh no...
Others envy me.
They don't know what it is like,
being my own slave.
Not sure whether to do or to decline,
to feel embarrassed and small.
Standing against the wall.
Waiting for the end,
or the beginning.
Emptiness succumbs me,
shadows and flames rape me and won't let me go.
There's a demon at my door.
A tempting smile behind dark glass.
I want to open the door,
better today than tomorrow.
But sanity holds me back.
It drags me back into bed.
Covers me with friendship and past memories.
Singing me these lullabies about the end of time.
I want to feel and suffer,
let me tear down the door.
Desire is too strong.
But insanity is wrong.
I can't fall asleep...
There's a demon at my door.
He's the oppossite of everything I know.
I'm innocent and pure,
but He's waiting.
How long will he be waiting there?
Does he seek forgiveness?
Is he attracted by me or does he want to destroy me?
Spoil my soul and body?
Or could I give him my purity?
Would he want it?
I'm only a wolf moon child.
enraged and no longer fucking down...
There's a demon at my door.
I can see his fingers cover the handle.
He wants to get in but it's locked.
Only I am to decide if he enters...
Sanity wants me to sleep.
Instead I start to weep,
I am too weak to get up.
But too strong to stay in bed,
so I fall out of bed and crawl...
I want to reach the door.
Just before the night is over.
And my terrible demon turns away,
leaves me all alone once more.
I want it so badly.
Salvation is only a few steps away.
But I can't walk,
lying on the floor looking into his eyes...
He's the dark son of night.
The stepbrother of undying light.
Ever returning and immortal,
I can't let him wait...
He has to feel my heat.
If I won't open,
I'm drowning in my own sanity,
my room will be flooded,
and I am going to die...
There's a demon at my door.
He looks into my eyes.
Soothing words charm me,
sanity grabs me at my arms.
It drags me back...
I shake and scream.
It won't let go.
But I hold the key in my hand.
Sanity won't get the key to my room.
There's a demon at my door.
He watches the fight,
there is nothing he could do.
I have all the might.
I hold the key to my heart...
Give me deliverance from sanity.
I don't want to live in chains any longer.
The grip losens and I fall on the floor,
some rays of light touch my face.
My demon fades away.
Smoke covers him and his last smile burns my mind.
He is gone,
but tomorrow night I'll try again............