At the age of thirteen I was an ugly
sexy boy when on a december day
I watched the beauty of falling snow.
My brother showed me a video about
guys rocking in Altamont, they looked
damn good but also a little bit mean.
To be honest:I didn't like these blue
band, I didn't understand why such
big lips have succes that never ends.
A few months later I failed a maths
exam, sick and tired I crawled into
my bed, coming like a dead man!
Suddenly.....I heard a classic on
the radio: I know it's only rock and
roll but you like it, oh yes you do!
Since then my friends and I often
got stoned in an attic room while
we sang their songs all together!
Under a full red werewolf moon I
whispered to Angie (or maybe Katy):
someday I will be your bridegroom.
Okay mister Aendenboom
but first prove yourself with
great rolling loving poems!